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Encouraging news regarding Guantánamo, as 24 Senators write to President Biden urging him to finally close the prison.
Our co-founder Andy Worthington looks at the price paid by Guantánamo prisoners past and present of Joe Biden's inaction, to date, regarding the prison.
A major article reviewing Guantánamo activism over the last 12 years, from Obama to Trump and Biden, by Jeremy Varon of Witness Against Torture, cross-posted from Waging Nonviolence.
Promoting "The Mauritanian," on the day it is released via streaming services, the day after Jodie Foster won a Golden Globe for playing Nancy Hollander, Mohamedou Ould Slahi's attorney.
Following up on statements about closing Guantánamo that were made on Feb. 12 by President Biden's press secretary, Jen Psaki.
A letter to President Biden from 111 organizations, including Close Guantánamo, urging him to close the prison before the 20th anniversary of its opening next January.