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Calling for the long-overdue closure of Guantánamo, and an end to the broken military commission trials, on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
Our co-founder Andy Worthington punctures the cynical scaremongering that has arisen in response to the fact that two of the Taliban's leaders were held at Guantánamo.
Reviewing the extraordinary new memoir by former Guantánamo prisoner Mansoor Adayfi, available today from Hachette Books.
Some great news from Guantánamo, as Abdul Latif Nasser, approved for release five years ago, is sent home to Morocco.
A cross-post, with our own commentary, of a recent op-ed by former Guantánamo prosecutor Omar Ashmawy, calling for the prison's closure.
A cross-post, with our introduction and analysis, of a recent op-ed in the Nation calling for Guantánamo's closure by retired Rear Admirals Donald J. Guter and John Hutson.