End 22 Years Of Injustice

Public photos (5)

This page features photos of members of the public, from around the world, supporting the "Countdown to Close Guantánamo" campaign. The campaign, launched on Jan. 20, 2016, counts down the last year of the Obama presidency and calls for President Obama to fulfill his promise to close the prison. This is the fifth page of photos of members of the public supporting the countdown, beginning with "15 days to go," a poster for January 4. The first page, featuring supporters holding posters marking "1 year to go," "350 days to go" and "300 days to go" is here, and also see the second page, featuring supporters holding posters marking "250 days to go" and "200 days to go," the third page featuring "150 days to go" and "100 days to go" and the fourth page featuring "70 days to go," "50 days to go" and then posters every five days from "45 days to go" to "20 days to go." Also see the Celebrity Photos page.

To get involved, please join us in encouraging President Obama to commit all the resources he can to closing Guantánamo before he leaves office -- a mission made all the more urgent by Donald Trump's election victory and his tweet on Jan. 3 calling for no more prisoners to be released -- by printing off the "final poster," which will be followed by a new poster aimed at Donald Trump!

1 day to go (January 18, 2017)

Kathleen Copps, in Vancouver, Canada says, “We must continue to demand that America close Guantánamo and that Canada remedy Omar Khadr for abandoning him there for over a decade of abuse and torture.”

Helen Heffernan, Vancouver, Canad​a.

Steve Lane, in Bethesda, Maryland says, "Free those wrongfully imprisoned men at Guantánamo Bay, President Obama! You promised to do that, it's the right thing to do, and you have just hours to get it done. We can talk later about bringing them justice."

Julisa Wescott, from Sarasota, Florida says, "I am proudly supporting the Close Guantánamo campaign by holding a poster reminding President Obama that he has 1 presidential day left for him to fulfill his promise and Close Guantánamo Bay permanently in the name of justice. Freedom is not given by the oppressor, you have to take it. Nobody is given a blessing better and greater than patience. #NeverGiveUp."

Andi Vincent, composer and civil rights activist, Edinburgh.

Anna Sadlo, London.

2 days to go (January 17, 2017)

Maysoon Otaibi, Toledo, Ohio.

Julisa Wescott, in Sarasota, Florida, says, “I am proudly supporting the Close Guantánamo campaign by holding a poster reminding President Obama that he has just 2 days left to close Guantánamo permanently as he vowed to do since the beginning of his term as president. MR. PRESIDENT you can make the world a better, safer place by stopping the spread of hate and injustice — CLOSE GUANTANAMO NOW!”

Steve Lane, in Bethesda, Maryland says, "For you, President Obama, it's just another item on your list of things to do. For them, it's freedom versus life thrown away in prison, or maybe death under a merciless tyrant. Please move the release of our unjustly held prisoners at Guantánamo Bay to the top of your list, and free them tomorrow."

Anna Sadlo, London.

3 days to go (January 16, 2017)

Natalia Rivera Scott, Mexico City.

Steve Lane, in Bethesda, Maryland says, "Three days is not very long, President Obama, but it is long enough to do what you promised - free the men falsely imprisoned, for a great part of their lives, at Guantánamo Bay."

Julisa Wescott, in Sarasota, Florida says, "I am proudly supporting the Close Guantánamo campaign by holding a poster reminding President Obama that he has just 3 days left to Close Guantánamo. President Obama, this is your chance to make history great, and make the world a better place. It's black and white. These men deserve equality in justice and humanity. CLOSE GUANTANAMO NOW!!!"

Anna Sadlo, London.

4 days to go (January 15, 2017)

Steve Lane, in Bethesda, Maryland says, "Time is short, President Obama, but there is still time to do something as important as releasing the men falsely imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay."

Julisa Wescott, in Sarasota, Florida says, "I am proudly supporting the Close Guantánamo campaign by holding a poster reminding President Obama that he has just 4 days left to Close Guantánamo. With Guantánamo Bay closed down permanently the world is a safer place by stopping the spread of hate, violence, and injustice. All people have human rights, and the right to a fair trial. God willing, these men will see justice, and Guantánamo Bay closed forever. #Never_Give_Up. #CLOSE_GUANTANAMO."

Natalia Rivera Scott, Mexico City.

Anna Sadlo, London.

5 days to go (January 14, 2017)

Peace club at Tracy High School Cerritos, CA. Thanks to Dorrine Marshall for the photo.

Julisa Wescott, from Sarasota, Florida says, "I am proudly supporting the Close Guantánamo campaign by holding a poster reminding President Obama that he has 5 days left to close the Guantánamo Bay Prison Camp permanently before his presidential term is ended. I will never lose hope for the men being held there by injustice. I will never give up and no matter who is the current President of America, Guantánamo Bay needs to be shut down immediately and permanently in order to restore justice to the men who have been held for over 15 years without being granted their constitutional and fair trial. Close Guantánamo NOW and bring justice back to humanity!"

Steve Lane, in Bethesda, Maryland says, "What's the downside to releasing those innocent prisoners, President Obama? Might they impeach you? Take away your Nobel Prize? I don't think so. So why not keep your word and set them free, like you and I are?"

Anna Sadlo, London.

10 days to go (January 9, 2017)

This is Susan from Witness Against Torture in Washington, D.C. and the eight photos below are also of members of the group. Founded in 2005, Witness Against Torture seeks to close Guantánamo and end torture, and every year they hold a Fast for Justice in the capital in the week running up to the anniversary of the opening of Guantánamo on Jan. 11.

Ellen from Witness Against Torture in Washington, D.C.

Matt from Witness Against Torture in Washington, D.C.

JoAnn from Witness Against Torture in Washington, D.C.

Chrissy from Witness Against Torture in Washington, D.C.

Tom, Jean and Bishop from Witness Against Torture in Washington, D.C.

Yeamelake, Deanna and Helen from Witness Against Torture in Washington, D.C.

Marie and Chris from Witness Against Torture in Washington, D.C.

Mike Fialla from Witness Against Torture in Washington, D.C.

Steve Lane, in Bethesda, Maryland, says, "Dear President Obama, Donald Trump tweeted that the remaining prisoners at Guantánamo Bay prison camp are 'extremely dangerous people,' who 'should not be allowed back onto the battlefield.' He also said that 'there should be no further releases from Gitmo.' He may well be lying, but if not, he will defy the US Periodic Review Board, which has recommended 23 detainees for transfer. If you do not release those men, they will lose their last hope of justice from the United States of America."

Julisa Wescott, from Sarasota, Florida says, "I am proudly supporting the Close Guantánamo campaign by holding a poster reminding President Obama that he has 10 days left to close Guantánamo Bay prison permanently in the name of justice as he has promised to do since the beginning of his presidency many years ago. Let’s see an end to over 14 years of injustice. #CloseGuantanamo."

Natalia Rivera Scott, Mexico City.

Rick Burgess, disabled human rights activist, U.K.

Olivia Ransom, The Netherlands.

Ciaron O’Reilly, peace activist, London.

Tim Marrinan, London.

Susie Sullivan, Dorset.

Bernard Sullivan, Dorset.

Barbara Glassman, Nashua, New Hampshire, USA.

Ruth Gilburt, London.

Anna Sadlo, London.

15 days to go (January 4, 2017)

Maysoon Otaibi, from Toledo, Ohio, says to President Obama, "Please fulfill your promise and close Guantánamo for good. It is very crucial to do so before president elect Trump takes office. Thank you."

Steve Lane, from Bethesda, Maryland, says, "President Obama, your spokeswoman Emily Horne said, 'The continued operation of the Guantánamo Bay detention facility weakens our national security by draining resources, damaging our relationships with key allies and partners and emboldening violent extremists.' That is all true, and I assume that you agree with, and approve of, what she said. Why, then, have you not closed our Guantánamo Bay prison camp?"

Julisa Wescott, from Sarasota, Florida says, "I am proudly supporting the Close Guantánamo campaign by holding a poster reminding President Obama that he has 15 days left to be a man of his word and close the Guantánamo Bay prison camp permanently. President Obama, don't be a coward now — Close Guantánamo Bay NOW!"

Tim Marrinan, London.

Susie Sullivan, Dorset.

Bernard Sullivan, Dorset.

Barbara Glassman, Nashua, New Hampshire, USA.

Ruth Gilburt, London.

Anna Sadlo, London.